Link: www.eclectictrends.com/la-dimora-di-metello/
Today we have the most gorgeous example of a successful mix of contemporary interiors and antique walls. If – at first glance – this looks like a cave to you, then you are right! It does, because these used to be ancient housings.
Located in Matera, a southern – italian village, this town is world famous for cave-dwellings. Carved thousands of years ago, these caves that were once homes and churches have recently been turned into a contemporary tourist hotel. The hotel La Dimora di Metello was designed by Manca Studio where they created a few universal and private areas like a spa, including four exclusive suites.
Next to the details made of stone, another favorite material is used: blonde wood. Neutral palettes of softened cognac and sand are added by delicate fabrics. This way, an understated but luxurious atmosphere is created and no distraction is given – it must be an overwhelming and sensuous feeling to experience these contemporary caves.
The overall feel of these interiors shows perfect analogies to the Earth Color Trend we developed for AW 2016/17 and even speaks to the next one that is Austerity AW 2017/18.
To underline the natural look of the walls they used tuff, a material that is produced from volcanic ash. This way an interplay of the textured surface adds a roughness and smoothness at the same time which adds a very subtle natural experience to the rooms.